Parental Involvement

At BVS we value the partnership we have with our students' parents and carers and families. As part of our eSmart accreditation we are currently auditing their involvement opportunities in our school. With this information we will develop a plan for future extension of ways our families can be further involved in the school life of their children.


Plan for Parent/Carer involvement opportunities at BVS


Ongoing opportunities

Parents/carers may join volunteer program to work with groups across school

School Council parent representatives

Annual Parent Opinion Survey

Survey of parent/carer skills


Communication with teachers – student specific

Daily communication with class teachers through diary

Phone calls as required

Email contact


Meetings with parents/carers student specific

Student Support Group meetings offered each term

Meetings with principal class, therapy etc on request

Student Engagement and Wellbeing meetings eg safety plan development/review, critical incident

Care team meetings for student in out of home care


Communication with parents/carers general



Updat-ed App



Meetings general

Parent/Family support group and individual meetings run by Wellbeing Support Officer

Information nights eg eSmart


Regular events

Friday afternoon whole school assembly open to family of students to attend


Special events

Parents involved in special class activities eg swimming, excursions, camps

Beginning of year picnic, end of year bbq

Special event committees eg fundraising, Trivia Night

Special events involving class themes eg Teddy Bears picnic, circus

Education and Book week activities

Special information sessions re new students/families, eSmart, puberty

Policy development and review input invited through newsletter/committees

Trivia night

Art Show

Golf Days