Principal Welcome

Welcome to the Barwon Valley School website.

As Principal my role is to foster an exciting and invigorating learning environment, where students are at the forefront of teaching and learning. I strongly believe that as a school we must focus on every student having a 'voice' and being actively involved in their own learning.

Our staff work and learn together in collegiate teams to maximise student potential through implementing highly effective teaching strategies and student support systems. We have developed a set of teaching beliefs that underpin our work with students.

We have strong community relationships that foster community respect for our students and build our students' dignity to validate them as authentic contributors to society.

Parents and Carers are valued partners and are encouraged to be actively involved in the learning of their children.

We have stong community networks with local schools, businesses and service providers. 

Our school is an active member of the broader statewide special education community through our membership of PASS and through involvement in initiatives such as developing curriculum for students with special learning needs.

I hope you enjoy finding out more about our school community through our website.


-Anne Hume