BVS Literacy Framework

The BVS Literacy framework is based on the 4 Blocks model as presented by Jane Farrell in her Balanced Literacy Approach, while being firmly aligned to DET Principles and Practices of teaching literacy as outlined in the Literacy Initiative and Guide to the Literacy Teaching Toolkit.


The Framework is a whole school literacy model that directly addresses the literacy learning needs of all of our students, with particular focus on students at Emergent levels A-D of Reading and Viewing, and Writing, and conventional levels F-2 and 3-6.

The evidenced based 4 Blocks approach has had a focus on making reading approaches accessible to students including those with severe communication difficulties. As a framework it dovetails with the approaches in the DET Literacy initiative, supporting teachers to provide effective targeted teaching to students in emergent and conventional literacy levels.


The Framework groups the teaching of literacy into four blocks: Shared Reading, Working with Words, Independent Reading, and Writing.


Data is collected through running records, English online, ABLES, moderation in PLC groups and teacher judgements on student progress and engagement collected through Survey Monkey.


The BSV Whole School Literacy Framework is linked to the High Impact Teaching Strategies (HITS), including an Augmentative and Alternative Communication HIT to ensure opportunities for all students to learn to read and write.